Saturday, February 13, 2010

To All Young Lovers... WITH LOVE

On the cusp of Valentine's Day, Zangief (the impenetrable Shane Murphy) and I thought it appropriate to assemble a collection of love songs - a few classics, a lot of personal faves - which deserve as much celebrating as, I don't know, Sade...? As we've yet to choose our DJ identities and show title, this mix is but a prologue to our actual podcasts (which will arrive in due time and, yes, feature some much-maligned banter). Featuring great tunes "expertly sequenced from the past half-century" (USA Today) and "an explosive ending you won't soon forget" (Entertainment Weekly), With Love is a soundtrack lusting for your listening pleasure this Valentine's Day.

Just think of us as the all-loving owl and you as the black sheep being herded upon the Love Bus... Click here to download and Happy Valentine's Day!!

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