Dear SCQ Faithful,
This here’s a shot from the window of SCQ’s new headquarters – the SCQ Temple - in bright and snowy Ottawa. Once I get the office completely set up, I’ll post pictures so you can see where all the MAGIC happens...
A few things I’d like to kick-start the New Year with:
1.) My intermittently-namedropped friend Zangief (aka the illustrious Shane Murphy) and I are planning a yet-to-be-titled radio-show podcast for February. We’ll supply details concerning the when and how as they become clearer but our premier show should surface shortly before Valentines Day. Prepare thyself for the occasional fumble of words, some great music and dead air.
2.) I’ve set in motion a monthly interview segment that should start in February. It also lacks a title. The general goal of this feature is to highlight excellent independent musicians and discuss their recent/upcoming endeavors. My first guest is secured so expect that to happen over the next few weeks.
3.) Lastly, Skeleton Crew Quarterly’s Top Fifty Albums of the 00s is essentially finished (although I’m still toying with the order a bit). I torpedoed through it over a harrowing two days but consider it an adequate compression of my music-mad decade.
There are other ideas kicking around (including slow preparations for a new Quarterly feature and another SKLTN MX Contest), but we’ll see how all of the above works out first. I hope everyone is well and curious about Halifax’s indie-scene, because that’s what these following reviews have in common.
Love SCQ.
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