Here’s one of those records you’re given no differently than a love-letter or a crisply-folded flag, in that what it grows to mean can’t be quantified by its jewel-case, plastic disc or even the songs there-in. In fact, you should make it your business to never purchase or (god forbid) download this record, and instead pray someone significant will lend it your way and accidentally change your life forever. This is a record to save for your most vulnerable, romantically impossible moments.
I probably just oversold the record. In the six years I’ve owned this, I’ve probably only listened to it front-to-back four times. It’s a depressing, occasionally disturbing album but what always placates its overarching feel for me are the slowburners: ‘The Loudest Sound’, ‘There Is No If…’ and ‘The Last Day of Summer’ feature Robert Smith at his most melodically nostalgic. And since ‘Out of This World’ is my favourite Cure song ever, Bloodflowers earns an important spot on my Top 50 Albums of the 00s.
My wife and I have a band that covered "Out of This World". It was the first time I'd ever heard the song and Bloodflowers has since tied Disintegration as my favorite Cure album.
Those two albums are pretty tight in my books as well. I think Bloodflowers will always be close to my heart because it was my gateway Cure album... although Faith is also pretty incredible.
Disintegration is remastered this Spring, with all kinds of bonus materials. I'm sure I'll be picking it up.
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