Friday, December 4, 2009

Cover Art Highs and Lows: Concentration - Dog Day


Dog Day
Outside Records.

Like the music herein, I didn’t know what to make of Concentration’s geometric cover art, designed in black and white shapes but coloured curiously with pastel variety, upon first encounter. What looks like a mask is only the first of many in this fold-open series of acid-washed faces, which, one on top of another, grows to resemble a totem pole. Besides the cool pie-sliced ouija board of band-members and lyrics, the ensemble is capped off beautifully by the image beneath the disc itself: a hooded lizard! That’s right… beneath those masks is an all-knowing, cold-blooded reptile. Once you’ve fully taken in the record, it adds up – what sounds like typical indie-rock on first listen gradually unveils itself to be a murky, goth-tinged pop record.

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